Installed capacity: 2 x 53MW
Year of installation: 1991
Turbine type: Vertical Francis
Turbine Manufacturer: Neyrpic- France
Generator manufacturer: Alshom-Jeumont (France)
Diversion tunnel: 740m long, 12m high
Headrace tunnel & penstock: 5.5km long, 4-7m dia.
Contractor: Spie Batignolles (France)
Engineer: Sogreah (France)

Turkwel is situated 560km from Nairobi in North-Western Kenya on the border of West Pokot and Turkana counties. It was constructed under Kerio Valley Development Authority from 1986 to 1991 through partnership of the Kenyan and French governments. Turkwel at inception was a multipurpose project comprising hydro-power, agricultural, fisheries and tourism developments. It uses water from Turkwel River which flows from Mount Elgon catchment area (Suam) in the border of Kenya and Uganda. The water storage dam capacity is 1.6 billion cu. metres and covers 6500 hectares. Water is drawn to an underground power station via 5.5km headrace tunnel/ penstock from an arch dam of 150m maximum height and 150m crown width. The power generated is transmitted to Lessos substation via a 220kV transmission line over a distance of 210 km.